Davids’ “no” vote on House resolution endorses Kamala Harris’ “work” at the southern border

Third District Kansas Congresswoman Sharice Davids continued her career-long lock step support of Biden Administration policy Wednesday afternoon, effectively voting in support of Vice President and designated “Border Czar”  Kamala Harris’ much criticized handling of the U.S. southern border with Mexico.

Davids voted against a House Resolution forwarded by Republicans condemning Harris for her track record on U.S. border security after being delegated that responsibility in 2021 by President Biden – a tally by all accounts that has shown massive increases in millions of confrontations of illegal immigrants, millions of “gotaways” that were never apprehended by overwhelmed border security, as well as spiking estimates of illegal drug smuggling and high-profile murders committed by illegal immigrant criminals since Biden took office.

The measure passed 210-202 with mainly Republican support and Democrats in opposition. Davids’ office said the congresswoman “is ready to work with Republicans and Democrats on a bipartisan, comprehensive immigration plan that secures our border, treats children and families humanely, and addresses the fentanyl crisis,” although she voted earlier this year to continue counting illegals in U.S. census numbers affecting billions in federal spending dollars, and earlier this month voted against a bill that would require proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections. Neither Davids nor her office responded regarding what indicators were present that residents of the 3rd District supported Harris’ efforts.

NBC’s Lester Holt queried Vice President Harris on her handling of the southern border in a 2021 interview.

Harris met with leaders in Central and South America in what she called an effort to treat the “root cause” of the massive influx of humanity across the Mexican border into the U.S., but the masses continued to come after her promise of billions in U.S. funds to try to solve the problem. Her assignment led to a now telling June 2021 interview with NBC’s Lester Holt in which the newsman called out Harris for failing to visit the border, to which Harris replied “and I haven’t been to Europe, either.”

Widely mocked and criticized for her vapid “word salad” public speeches and her quirky tendency for inappropriate laughter, mainstream media outlets have particularly softened their stance on Harris since she became the presumed Democrat presidential front runner after Biden’s announcement Sunday that he would bow out of the race.

Numerous mainstream media outlets attempted to refute that Harris was ever ascribed  the “Border Czar” title, although archive searches on the topic yield repeated references by media outlets using the term. An effort to sanitize Harris’ record appeared to be underway after her presumptive ascension to the Democrat candidacy. The congressional transparency site GovTrack.us earlier this week removed a page it published in 2019 reviewing Harris’ voting record. According to NBC Montana, GovTrack found Senator Harris was the least likely to cosign on bipartisan legislation, held the fewest committee positions and was the third most absent senator, missing 61.9% of votes.

“Our unique ideology analysis assigns a score to Members of Congress according to their legislative behavior by how similar the pattern of bills and resolutions they cosponsor are to other Members of Congress,” GovTrack wrote beneath its ranking of Harris as the “most liberal compared to all senators.”

Dane Hicks is a graduate of the University of Missouri School of Journalism and the United States Marine Corps Officer Candidate School at Quantico, VA. He is the author of novels "The Skinning Tree" and "A Whisper For Help." As publisher of the Anderson County Review in Garnett, KS., he is a recipient of the Kansas Press Association's Boyd Community Service Award as well as more than 60 awards for excellence in news, editorial and photography.