Davids scores big from “defund the police” donors

Billionaire defund the police donor Django Bonderman hangs out with a Komodo Dragon on a vacation; Sharice Davids sports her infamous “All my heroes killed colonizers” t-shirt.

Kansas 3rd District Congresswoman Sharice Davids is not responding to media inquiries as to whether she’ll refund thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from dark money sources which have pushed “defund the police” efforts.

A Fox News story listed Davids and seven other Democrats as well as two Republicans who received contributions in the thousands of dollars each from left-wing billionaires with a history of soft-on-crime positions.

Kansas Congresswoman Sharice Davids, one of a handful of vulnerable Democrats who received campaign donations from “defund the police” supporters (Getty Images)


The most recent campaign information available shows Davids received $3,300 from Quinn Delaney, founder and chairman of the California-based Akonadi Foundation, which “supports the development of powerful social change movements to eliminate structural racism and create a racially just society,” according to the organization’s website.  The foundation says it funds primarily in Oakland (Calif.) with a focus on “ending the criminalization of people of color,” and “transforming the criminal justice system.”

The Fox story termed Davids “one of the most vulnerable Democrats this election cycle.” Neither Davids’ Washington office nor her campaign office in Overland Park would address inquiries from the Kansas Informer about the contributions, the possible impact on local law enforcement offices in the 3rd District, or the possibility of Davids returning those contributions. 

The Fox story also noted a contribution to Davids’ campaign from Django Bonderman, part of the family of TPG Capital founder David Bonderman, with a long history of contributing to left-leaning and liberal political candidates and organizations. Davids Campaign says it never took money from Bonderman and has asked Fox to correct the story, though her camp hasn’t addressed the Delaney donation. Republicans said Democrats like Davids can’t run from their complicity in surging violent crime.

Quinn Delaney, chair of The Akonadi Foundation.

“Defund the police donors backed up the Brinks truck to bankroll the campaigns of extreme House Democrats,” NRCC spokesman Will Reinert told Fox News Digital. “If elected, these far-left Democrats will work hand in hand with San Francisco liberal Kamala Harris to send violent crime rates soaring, reward felons and punish cops for trying to keep communities safe.”

Republican Congressman from Arkansas Steve Womack also received a donation from Django Bonderman, but Womack said he returned the money.

Democrats running for office have struggled to shake the reputation acquired since the George Floyd riots of 2020, when tens of millions of dollars were donated to election campaigns by leftist financial leaders like George Soros to the campaigns of local prosecutors like George Gascon in Los Angeles, who set about reducing  criminal prosecutions and restricting or ending cash bail policies and allowed criminals faster release times after their arrests for various crimes. The resulting surges in urban crime have crippled those neighborhoods and resulted in public backlash, fostering massive resentment among law enforcement entities.

Twenty people were shot and five murdered by Day 2 of the Democratic National Convention this week in Chicago.

Dane Hicks is a graduate of the University of Missouri School of Journalism and the United States Marine Corps Officer Candidate School at Quantico, VA. He is the author of novels "The Skinning Tree" and "A Whisper For Help." As publisher of the Anderson County Review in Garnett, KS., he is a recipient of the Kansas Press Association's Boyd Community Service Award as well as more than 60 awards for excellence in news, editorial and photography.