We thought it was bad then: 2014 rallies protested soft border policies

As part of protests against increased illegal immigration across the southern border in 2014 during President Barack Obama’s second term, a number of rallies were held across the US ten years ago today on July 19, 2014.

Ed Hayes organized a “Rally for America Against Invasion” in Olathe that day. Hayes was a captain at the Johnson County Sheriff’s Department, and served for nearly three decades before retirement.

Watch this 2014 video to hear Hayes’ explanation.


Kansas Meadowlark article (and video above) documented this event 10 years ago, which can still be viewed via the WayBack Machine.

From that Meadowlark article …

OLATHE, KS. Former law enforcement officer Ed Hayes organized rallies on Friday and Saturday against illegal immigration and what he calls an “invasion on the border.” About 35 attended the Saturday event.

Key points made by Ed Hayes in the video are transcribed below:

00:07 Today’s event is a nationwide event … it’s a rally to educate the folks on what’s going on with the invasion on the border. It’s been an invasion for decades, but it’s got worse recently as everybody knows. … Some of the media is finally reporting some of it.

00:50 … we had meetings … it was all education. We were telling people that they’re bring diseases. They’re taking jobs. They’re taking your taxes, social services. Most of the media and politicians were calling us crazy … 

1:17  George Bush called us vigilantes … The media made a negative thing out of it.  The definition of vigilante is “watchman” so call me a “vigilante”…  We’re pro-American.  We’re pro-Constitution.  We’re patriots.  These people … behind me are the best people you’ll ever meet.  They’ve all worked hard all their life.  They paid their taxes.  They’ve followed the laws …

1:59 These people [the protestors] are pissed off like I am over this invasion. It is an invasion and it’s worse in just the last couple of months. …

2:22 You can figure the numbers the government gives you are low.

2:52 Not many at all go home. They’ve got a freebee here that Americans can’t even get. They get by breaking the law … a taxpaying citizen like you and me would go to jail …

3:13 They advertise for children … to send children here, and they can get all their benefits. … The minute they get here they start getting benefits. And the people taking care of them get benefits.

3:46 This is done by the Obama administration and the countries south of the border. They’ve run radios ads, newspaper ads. This has been going on for a while.

3:58 They keep saying “the children”. If they would show pictures … half of them are adults. They’re not children. 

4:11 They’re saying ‘these poor children’ … When you talk about the poor children, I’d like everyone to go to a web site, Victims of Illegal Alien Crimes [voiacus.org], and look at the … hundreds of children … that are killed by illegal aliens, one way or another. They’re killed by drunk drivers … rapes, murders … any way you can imagine … Why aren’t we talking about those children instead of the children that we ought to be sending home?

4:49 You want to talk about public safety? We’ve got MS-13 gang members coming in … These are vicious, treacherous gang people. They cut off hands, heads, arms, and torture …

5:33 We have a friend that is a lawyer and a nurse and she wrote an article on the diseases, probably six to eight year ago. I sent it around to people and people said ‘ah, you’re crazy’ … Politicians said this isn’t true. But what’s the media reporting now? They’re reporting these cases of TB that medication can’t fix … measles, scabies … We were telling them about years ago. It gives us credibility. 

6:10 I was in law enforcement – fourth generation law-enforcement officer — for 29 years and I’ve been called every name in the book … I wear it like a badge …

6:30 Enforce the Constitution. Our Constitution is being trampled … by politicians. My position is this: Any politician that is trampling on our Constitution is a traitor. That’s treason, and they ought to be prosecuted and kicked out of office.

6:58 I encourage people to get their head out of the sand. … We’ve had a few mothers drive by here, just screaming at us that we’re doing the wrong thing with little kids in the car. They don’t understand what this is going to do to their children in the long run. This is going to be devastating to their kids and our country. They need to educate themselves. Since day one that’s what we’ve tried to do: educate, educate, educate. 

Hayes’ description of his former Victims of Illegal Alien Crimes (VOIAC) website:

The … collage is what I had on my web site (VOIAC, VICTIMS OF ILLEGAL ALIENS, the INVASION), which I finally abandoned because I could not get help on it, to keep it alive. 

The victims, these people are not recent, they were killed/murdered by illegal aliens more than a decade ago and it has continued, it has escalated and will continue, even more, given the open borderpoliticians, media and others and amongst the current traitorous administration.

Many groups such as some churches, MADD, the CHAMBER of Commerce, big business, and many others, have collaborated and ignored this invasion. They sanctioned it! And still are. 

Signs at the 2014 rally in Olathe organized by Ed Hayes. The woman on the right with sign, “No Permisos. Obey our laws!,” said this was her first public protest.

After a phone interview on Thursday, Hayes gave this reflection about his activism via email:

IF the folks had listened to us, 20 plus years ago, and what we were telling them, warning them, all of this would not have happened. 

IF we had an honest media, (NOT FAKE) they would have been reporting the truth. 

IF we had honest politicians, they WOULD have done something about it, and it isn’t hard to figure out IF you can sift through all of the BS they continue to put out. 

Hayes now writes at the Johnson County Gazette and is the author of the book, “Nice Pinch!,” which tells about the incidents he worked and investigated during his tenure with the Sheriff’s Department.  Buy Hayes’ “Nice Pinch!” book on Amazon.

Immigration chart Trump credits with saving his life

The illegal immigration rate in 2014 at the time of this rally 10 years ago was “nothing” compared to what President Joe Biden has enabled during his administration as shown in the chart below.

“Illegal Immigration into the US” chart described by Donald Trump in his Butler, PA rally on Saturday, and his GOP acceptance speech Thursday night. Trump credits this chart in saving his life when he miraculously tilted his head at the Butler rally as a would-be assassin’s bullet grazed his ear.  From X posting by @rawalerts.
Trump describing this chart at the GOP convention on Thursday.  X posting by @rawalerts

‘The chart that saved my life’: Trump puts Ron Johnson’s immigration chart on center stage during RNC acceptance, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, July 18, 2024.

In his acceptance speech Thursday night, former President Donald Trump detailed what happened during the assassination attempt on Saturday. 

“I was discussing the great job my administration did on immigration at the southern border,” Trump said. “Behind me, and to the right, was a large screen that was displaying a chart of border crossings under my leadership. The numbers were so amazing. In order to see the chart, I started to like this turn to my right. And was ready to begin a little bit further turn, which I’m very lucky I didn’t do, when I heard a loud whizzing sound and felt something hit me really, really hard, on my right ear. I said to myself wow, what was that? It can only be a bullet.

“The amazing thing is that prior to the shot, if I had not moved in my head at that very last instance, the assassin’s bullet would have perfectly hit its mark,” Trump continued.

In an interview with Fox News’ Bret Baier earlier this week, U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson said he initially showed a chart on illegal immigration to Trump on a plane ride to a rally in Green Bay. 

Describing the sequence of events, Baier said that Trump was addressing the crowd when he turned to address a screen, that had the chart on it. The host said that Trump wasn’t meant to bring up the chart at that time, but brought it up early, and luckily turned his head.

. . .

X posting by @JasonCalvi with comments from Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) about the creation of the chart


Heritage Foundation (@Heritage on X) posting with video from Wednesday:

There is no safe, orderly, and humane illegal immigration process.

When’s the last time you heard left-wing media report on the migrants who have been assaulted, raped, or killed by cartels, or died because of the dangerous journey to our southern border?

You haven’t, because they’re all trying to run cover for the Biden administration. #PolicyFest

Earl Glynn – Watchdog Lab

Earl F. Glynn is a mostly-retired data scientist, scientific programmer, software engineer and physical scientist living in the Kansas City metro area, and the publisher of the substack Watchdog Lab.