A simple prayer for our country

Sometimes I think it is important to step back and contemplate the challenges facing our country.

Rather than react to intense inflection points like Saturday’s assassination attempt on former President Trump with finger-pointing, vitriol, or sowing of conspiracy, I believe it would be more beneficial to spend some time in prayer. My pastor offered an appropriate prayer during our worship service on Sunday and I offer a segment of it to you for your consideration. God bless the USA.

  • D. Thalmann

We pray Thee, Lord of Lords, that Thou wouldst graciously look upon this our country, preserve it unimpaired in its liberty, and constantly advance its temporal and spiritual welfare.  Take, we pray Thee, all the officers of this country into Thy divine protection.  Make them all a blessing of Thine, and crown them at all times with Thy favor and goodness, so that under their government we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, in all godliness and honesty.

  • An 1881 translation of a prayer by CFW Walther.

Dan Thalmann is the owner/publisher of the Washington County News and is a Past President of the Kansas Press Association. He has won numerous journalism awards in many categories over the years, including multiple awards as the best mid-sized weekly newspaper in Kansas.