Harris’ presidential goals – Beating Trump and ending babies’ lives

I’m a little concerned about Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee for president. Not because I think she has any chance of beating Trump, but because I’m concerned about the state of leftist politics that has the Democratic party continuing to roll out candidates whose primary focus is abortion. Like that particular subject should be the pinnacle of our country’s aspirations. Like, America is only great if we preserve the ability to end babies’ lives while they are in the womb.

In one of her first media interviews after President Biden announced he would not seek re-election, Harris stated her first goals as beating Trump and preserving abortion rights. Not fighting inflation and our high grocery bills, not creating jobs, not keeping our country safe from international or internal threats… no.

She wants to beat the guy who can’t go a minute without talking about his dastardly patriotic plans to put America first or make America great. And she wants to make sure babies continue to die.

Those are her top tier goals. Why is this a person anyone should support? How do those focuses make America the best it can be?

Dan Thalmann is the owner/publisher of the Washington County News and is a Past President of the Kansas Press Association. He has won numerous journalism awards in many categories over the years, including multiple awards as the best mid-sized weekly newspaper in Kansas.