There is no question about it. America was created to be a godly nation and it has largely remained so since its founding.
That now appears to be a problem for some.

God stands in opposition to their plan for a global reset. The effort to delete God is the common thread that runs through all of the insanity that we’re experiencing in this country. It is a movement to get the United States out from under God, making this One Nation Without God. When you look at all the craziness, that is the one constant.
Take abortion, for example. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. No, says the progressive mother. It is I who decide who lives ; i.e. it is “her choice”, and others are going along with it, even the babies’ fathers.
Climate change. We have changed the climate and we can change it back.
God, our heavenly father? Wrong. There is no need for a father. As a matter of fact, there is no difference between men and women but for their own personal perception of their sexuality.

The idea that there is an ultimate truth that differentiates right from wrong? Not anymore. It isn’t about being equal in God’s eyes as enshrined in our Bill of Rights. There is no basis for judging behavior- right from wrong. No one‘s better or lesser. Everyone is the same. Do you remember when that started? Everyone at school won a prize? No winners, no losers. The end of meritocracy.
Anything and everything that relates to God is being rejected. It appears that progressives truly believe that they can take the place of God. They behave as though they are their own god and, therefore, have no place for God in their world, whether or not they are consciously seeking to be His replacement.
Others are being weaned away from their belief in God, in part by substituting the government as their protector and provider. Take the father out of the home, emasculate men; reject their traditional godly role within the home.
Consider the recent upheaval caused by the “Appeal to Heaven” flag. The attack on Justice Alito came about simply because his wife once flew the flag at one of their properties. What could be more obvious?
Consider the hypocrisy of demanding tolerance of a gay rights flag being flown at the White House and supporting the ruling that the burning of the American flag is constitutionally protected by the first amendment as free speech, while at the same time criticizing Justice Alito for respecting his wife’s individuality and honoring her independent decision to display the “Appeal to Heaven” flag.

Do you support tolerance or don’t you? Are you in favor of free speech, or aren’t you? Do you respect a women’s autonomy or don’t you?
It only appears crazy and hypocritical until you look beyond the acts themselves to the underlying, unstated goal.
This country was founded as a nation under God. It has not only survived but has, in fact, thrived as a nation under God. We have been a godly nation. That’s the problem that has activated all the controversy. What we are experiencing is a movement to get out from under God. That is both the common thread and the common threat.
I believe that by some it is intentional but I believe that there are also some who are participating who are oblivious to the consequences of their actions or inaction. And, as is too often the case, there are many who simply don’t care.
If something about this sounds right, give it some more thought. Especially if it makes you uncomfortable. Perhaps deep down inside you know I’m right. And then ask yourself, could it be that we were born for a time such as this?
If you believe that to be the case, speak up. And for all of our sakes, when the time comes, vote.

Donna Fernandez – Contributor
Donna is living her dream on her grandparents’ farm in Kansas after having practiced law in Southern California for more than 25 years.