What was “unity” is back to “existential threat”

Associated Press photo

After a gunman drew blood on the leading presidential candidate just a bare few weeks ago, the nation had a true Come To Jesus moment, realized its differences did not justify the level of hatefulness of its current public rhetoric, and discovered at least a core of national unity for the first time in years.

It was a truly inspiring 3 minutes.

President Joe Biden has called for reform of the United Staters Supreme Court/MSNBC graphic

But that warm luminescence was quickly shaded Wednesday night when the failed, disgraced Joe Biden doddered back to the front lines of the Leftist attack after disappearing from view for days, then quit the race by Tweet on Sunday, then used free national television time for a proof of life moment and to immediately reprise the tired allegation that the other side of the upcoming election represents an existential threat to the nation.

An “existential threat;” as in a threat to the nation’s very existence. As in, if Trump is elected again, the entirety of the United States, from concept to contruct, goes the way of the Pet Rock and Dippity Do.

Indeed, to the socialists who’ve taken control of the Democrat Party, such a threat posed by the quest for traditional American freedom, exceptionalism and meritocracy is a threat to their very existence. For the rest of us, it ain’t so bad.

Vice President and presumptive Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris/Reuters photo

After steeping his own presidency in the feeble deceit that Afghanistan was an “extraordinary success;” that boys belong in girls school sports and locker rooms; that the policy-based inflation ravaging American households was “transitory” and that taxpayers should pay for some twerp’s Underwater Basketweaving degree, this corrupt and utter disaster of American leadership proved again that his administration’s tidal wave of gall remains unabated. With a sallow, expressionless, catfish-eyed but straight face, this Leninist relic told America, in all seriousness, that a vote for the cackling, annoying and imbecilic Kamala Harris is the only option that can lead to “saving our Democracy.”

We remember Harris as the incompetent campaigner who was the first nomination seeker to
fold on the Democrat side of the 2020 primary contest. While the Kamala The Klown Show now
surges with honeymoon enthusiasm in recent days after her annointing by the cabal of elites
who’ve now usurped rank and file Democrats (who in the old days actually had a vote in selecting their presidential nominee), Biden blunders ahead with a new attack on Trump veiled as a plan for “reform” of the U.S. Supreme Court.

Thomas Matthew Crooks, killed in the assassination attempt on former President Trump/Photo composite

After all, any group of justices actually reading the founding documents and ruling according to them, according to the cabal, must be “reformed.” The nation cannot survive if rulings dealing with as holy a grail as a mother’s right to murder her fetus are left up to individual states, as the framers remanded such decisions; we can’t survive if the court rules race-based college admission standards are illegal; we can’t survive if ideologically-entrenched government bureaucrats have less authority to interpret and manipulate laws than the elected representatives who wrote them.

These are not the days in the sun that the cabal wistfully remembers; those times of plenty that spanned from the Great Depression through the early 2000s when a liberal-dominated court pursued the expansion and centralization of the federal government and set decades of social policy by judicial order – often with barely a glance at the text of the founding document. These were the times when the American Left celebrated and revered the Court.

But that ship has sailed. Now, Biden/Harris et al. want to drydock it for “repairs.”

Cabal members now puppeteering the temporary American president and who are set to present Harris as a butterfly of legitimacy emerging from a well-earned cocoon of incompetence don’t care how blatantly inauthentic their efforts are revealed to be. No one on either side of the political fence is fooled as to the motivation, but like the month’s long obvious deception that Biden was “sharp as a tack” and the “picture of vigor” when they thought he could be dragged across the election finish line one final time, they know they will never be held accountable for their deceit. The end is justified by any means when the “existential threat” of energy independence, limited regulation, a feared international profile and a robust economy is at hand.

No, there is no agreement between these sides on the proper course for the country. The time of unity is past.

Dane Hicks is a graduate of the University of Missouri School of Journalism and the United States Marine Corps Officer Candidate School at Quantico, VA. He is the author of novels "The Skinning Tree" and "A Whisper For Help." As publisher of the Anderson County Review in Garnett, KS., he is a recipient of the Kansas Press Association's Boyd Community Service Award as well as more than 60 awards for excellence in news, editorial and photography.