Topeka, KS — The Kansas House Federal and State Affairs Committee passed House Concurrent Resolution 5001 (HCR5001), which proposes a congressional term limits amendment to the […]
Kansas students again below national average in reading & math
The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), acknowledged as the “gold standard” of assessments by the Kansas Department of Education, shows Kansas students once again […]
Plan for reparations to former slaves died with Lincoln
When John Wilkes Booth shot Abraham Lincon on April 14, 1865, a Tennessean with a perpetual scowl, Vice President Andrew Johnson, stepped into a job […]
Playing the victim card damaging to those who really suffer injustice
It’s amazing that those who inflict pain on others believes themselves to be victims. It starts with husbands who batter their wives and respond by […]
“Bidenomics” sewage tsunami swamps Kansas towns
As if “Bidenomics” hasn’t done enough for us already by nearly doubling our gasoline prices from just a few years ago and making us take […]
Keep cameras in the classrooms
One of the windows opened by the Covid pandemic for the rest of the outside world was one that allowed a glimpse into the activities […]