Proposed amendment would allow Kansas voters to choose members of the Supreme Court

The current system of selecting Kansas Supreme Court justices allows a non-elected panel of lawyers to determine who should be on the court.

That could change if Kansans support a proposed amendment to the Kansas Constitution that would allow the people to choose the members of the highest court in Kansas.

Thursday, the Kansas Senate approved the amendment proposal, and if the House follows suit, Kansas voters would determine whether or not the people should chose the justices or whether the non-elected committee dominated by lawyers will continue to make the decision.

“Kansas currently stands alone as the only state in the Union that enshrines the power to decide who sits on the highest court to a commission controlled by five lawyers selected by other lawyers,” Senate President Ty Masterson said in a news release. “This outlier system has failed, producing an often overturned court that has no real accountability to the people. Rather than a system that consolidates authority in the hands of an elite society of super voters, it’s time to restore that power to all Kansans.”

According to the release, 22 states allow direct election of justices to state supreme courts. Other states use commissions, but they usually involve appointees form members of the House and Senate of that state. Kansas stands alone as the only state with a bar-controlled commission.

Editor |

Earl Watt is the owner and publisher of the Leader & Times in Liberal, Kansas. Watt started his career in journalism in 1991 at the Southwest Daily Times. During his career, the newspaper has won a total of 17 Sweepstakes awards from the Kansas Press Association for editorial content and 18 Sweepstakes awards for advertising. Watt has been recognized with more than 70 first place awards for writing in categories from sports and column to best front pages, best sports pages and best opinion pages. Watt is a member of the Sons of the American Revolution and is the descendant of several patriots who fought for America's freedom and independence.

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