Patriotic display reflects local mood

A massive display of flags promoting America, Liberty and Trump, among other topics, is making a big visual in north central Kansas.

Earlier this summer Josh Mueller started creating a display of flags at his JM Custom Builders property along Highway 9, two miles east of Clifton on the Clay-Washington County line. What started with a couple flags, grew to around 30, and eventually when he and his crew had a break, they put up a whole lot more, to bring the current total to 63 flags, which would make it the largest ongoing display of flags in the region.

There are all kinds of flags within the display, all of which he was able to find online. A variety of patriotic themes, political statements, and pro-Trump rallying cries adorn the colorful flags, which whip in the wind on the exposed landscape.

Mueller said that when he finished the display, he had people stopping by and taking pictures. Some would drive by and honk, while other would stop and talk.

While the display is unique and generally unmatched in its impact in the area, it is generally representative of this particular region’s stand on politics, with 82% of Washington Countians voting for Trump against Biden in the 2020 election. In 2016, 79.8% of voters cast ballots for Trump, so he actually got more popular over his tenure. Next week’s election will determine if Trump has become more or less popular in Washington County while Biden was president, but either way, the flags will still be flying.

Dan Thalmann is the owner/publisher of the Washington County News and is a Past President of the Kansas Press Association. He has won numerous journalism awards in many categories over the years, including multiple awards as the best mid-sized weekly newspaper in Kansas.