Last week the vapid, decaying husk of President Joe Biden was articulated by unknown leftist puppeteers into commuting the death sentences of 37 of the 40 most heinous convicted murderers in the country previously sentenced by juries of their peers for federal execution.
That’s right, the man so compelled to ensure federal authority to end the lives of the innocent unborn thinks it’s inhumane to execute murderers.
Be ready America, because the season of spite doesn’t end until noon January 20th.
Between now and then, the drooling, soulless Biden and the spiteful, fit-throwing toddlers in his immediate circle are going to be exhausting their final moments in control of the presidency by fomenting the most obnoxious, in-your-face assaults imaginable against righteous American values and decency. Don’t expect much action from Biden of course – most of the time it’s not even clear he knows he’s going to be leaving the presidency, which is great comfort to Americans who are continually stymied at the question of just who really is in charge of the country right now.

The attempts at vengeance against the American voters will be carried out by the infantile influencers around him – the contingent of socialists and leftist Democrats installed by the Deep State who’ve spent most days since November 5th popping Xanax, crying in their bath tubs and holding their breath until they pass out.
You have to give them credit however. With spiteful savvy they’ve assessed every reason the voters embraced as motive to cast out this infestation and looked for means to counter them in an attempt to “Trump proof” the country in the limited amount of time they have left to manipulate Biden into action. They acted quickly to begin a fire sale of remaining parts and materials for construction of the border wall left to rust In 2021 when Biden curtailed the wall’s construction, after a congressional move last year to “use, transfer or donate” abandoned wall materials under the Defense Authorization Act. Melting down those parts wasn’t a priority until the waning weeks of his presidency, of course. Some companies and even individuals were bidding on those materials in order to donate them back for their original purpose, and Trump has filed a civil suit to stop the sale which is likely far too late to have any effect.
Of course none of this should be a surprise. Had Biden and crew any desire to maintain the security of the country in the first place, they’d have never stopped construction on the wall to begin with. Why foul up the plan to allow millions of illegals into the country to wait for a magic wand amnesty declaration from a Democrat-controlled congress and re-staff the ranks of the future Democrat voters they’ve been aborting for 50 years?

Part of Biden’s waning rein of spite will be in firehosing remaining dollars into the economy. Portions of Biden’s massive inflation generating spending spree, the one that jacked consumer prices 20% since 2021 and drove automobile, housing and insurance prices even higher, has yet to be fully committed and distributed. Expedited pipelines for these funds are being established this very minute in order to pump money out to cronies and repay favors – hence Pete Buttigieg’s announcement late last week of $3.4 billion in grants for pork barrel transportation projects like archaic passenger rail service.
Seriously? Passenger rail service?
Other gimme projects provide additional opportunities to award money before Trump can stop it, like the energy department’s $544 million loan to a Michigan company so it can expand production of silicon carbide wafers for electric vehicles – because electric vehicles are such a hot selling item.
What will be the grand finale? Hoisting the trans flag over the White House during Trump’s inauguration? Annexing Ukraine as the 51st American state? Gifting Red States in the Louisiana Purchase back to France? Biden and his bunch have much to do and the clock is ticking. The season of spite is rapidly coming to a close.
Dane Hicks is a graduate of the University of Missouri School of Journalism and the United States Marine Corps Officer Candidate School at Quantico, VA. He is the author of novels "The Skinning Tree" and "A Whisper For Help." As publisher of the Anderson County Review in Garnett, KS., he is a recipient of the Kansas Press Association's Boyd Community Service Award as well as more than 60 awards for excellence in news, editorial and photography.