Kansas GOP head: There can be no division between U.S. and Israel

Secretary of State Antony Blinken has expressed America’s support for Israel’s efforts to increase aid to civilians in Gaza. He also pointed out that these efforts may not be sufficient to meet the Administration’s expectations of those affected. 

The opening of more border crossings has the potential to provide much-needed assistance to the civilians trapped in Gaza, but the United States is also urging the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to take steps to protect civilians and aid workers, according to The Associated Press.

Israel made an announced on Thursday it would approve the opening of a key border crossing in northern Gaza. The Israeli government emphasized the immediate steps it would take to open the Erez border crossing, aiming to increase aid and prevent a humanitarian crisis. This move is crucial for ensuring the continuation of achieving Isreal’s goals of the war.

Hannie Ricardo and daughter, Oriya Ricardo, on the left; and Oriya grown-up at an event on the right. Oriya was murdered by Hamas terrorists during the attack on Israel’s Supernova music festival on Oct. 7, 2023. (StrausNews/OurTownNewspaper)

The U.S. welcomed the steps that Israel has taken so far, acknowledging them as positive developments.

It is worth noting that the recent airstrikes carried out by Israel have drawn unwarranted international criticism and prompted the Biden administration to foolishly mettle in the affairs of a foreign nation and demand significant changes in an ongoing conflict. However, Hamas, a group responsible for the hostilities, initiated this conflict on October 7, 2023. The key to ending this crisis lies with the simple acts of Hamas turning over the hostages and the animalistic individuals wanted for the atrocities committed against Israelis in October.

In the midst of this complex situation, Israel stands as a beacon of freedom in the Middle East. The Israeli people are friends and allies to the United States. Conversely, Hamas is a rogue gang of murderous animals involved in heinous acts of violence rape, and murder. In an irony clearly lost on the fools who support Hamas is the fact Hamas harbors hatred towards the very people who exercise the freedom they detest, specifically the protests in their defense. 

These facts make America’s choice clear: there can be no division between America and Israel. The bond between the two nations remains steadfast and unwavering.

As the situation continues to unfold, it is important for all parties involved to consider the well-being of civilians and aid workers, but to be clear and fair, this Israeli effort is a declared war in retaliation for an unspeakable aggression by Hamas. And war is hell.

Mike Brown – Chairman, Kansas Republican Party

Mike Brown is a 6th generation Kansan born and raised in the KC metro area, and is the state chairman of the Kansas Republican Party.