They care about you, or at least that’s what liberals say when they advocate for things like government-sponsored health care and raising the minimum wage, […]
Earl Watt
AFP-KS applauds passage of bill to eliminate burdensome regulations for cosmetology small businesses
Today, Americans for Prosperity-Kansas (AFP-KS) is applauding the final passage of SB 434 and awaits the Governor’s signature to exempt the practice of hair removal […]
Freedom of speech was designed to hamstring government
The Founders were no fan of government, and yet they created perhaps the best form of government ever conceived by man. Mr. Parsons was my […]
What is better than what we have?
Kayla Aliese Carter was hired to be the Racial Equity Officer for College Park, Maryland, and she has a solution for the nation — “burn it […]
The real question is: What is the government’s fair share?
We all prefer someone else better off to take care of the burden of government. We know we need government, and we also want to […]
Unanimous Supreme Court decision evidence lawfare is real
Maine, Illinois and Colorado might want to send their legal “experts” back to law school, or their voters might want to seek a more balanced […]
Playing the victim card damaging to those who really suffer injustice
It’s amazing that those who inflict pain on others believes themselves to be victims. It starts with husbands who batter their wives and respond by […]
Courts are supposed to be the guardians against biased claims
One of the key components of the American system is that we are all equal under the law. One of the cries we hear often […]
Kansas Chamber Calls Governor’s Veto of Tax Bill Ironic and Reckless
Topeka – Kansas Chamber President and CEO Alan Cobb issued a statement Friday in response to Gov. Kelly’s veto of HB 2284: “It’s ironic that the […]
The way-too-early look at who will win the Electoral College vote
At this time of year, most Kansans are more concerned with what seed the Kansas Jayhawks will get in the NCAA National Tournament. That may […]