“Non-profits” push voter registration – but only in Sharice Davids’ district

TOPEKA – While policies of the Biden Administration drive the President’s approval ratings lower seemingly by the day and worried Democrat members of congress seeking re-election in 2024 scramble to avoid losses in traditionally Democrat-friendly voting blocs, two national “non-profit” organizations are mounting a mail-in voter registration drive in Kansas– but only to select addresses in Democrat Congresswoman Sharice Davids’ 2nd District.

An open records request to the Kansas Secretary of State’s office by Kansas data scientist Earl Glynn and reviewed at his substack Watch Dog Lab revealed the Voter Participation Center (VPC) and Center for Voter Information (CVI) started sending voter registration application mailings as of March 21 to people in five counties – Anderson, Franklin, Miami, Johnson and Wyandotte – but no where else in Kansas.

As of this story’s release Davids’ campaign had not responded to The Informer’s request for comment.

Those counties make up Kansas 2nd U.S. Congressional District – which currently seats Davids, the only Democrat in the Kansas congressional delegation.

Breakdown of the number of CVI/VPC mailings by county starting on March 21 – Watch Dog Lab.

The letter from VPC’s Sarah Mitchell, Deputy Director of Partnerships & Outreach, to Bryan Caskey, Kansas Election Director, and Clay Barker, general counsel, at the Secretary of State’s office, gave this information about the voters being targeted.

VPC and CVI particularly focus on registering and engaging the New American Majority – including young people, people of color, and unmarried women. …

Our voter registration mailing will be targeted to reach unregistered young people, voters who have recently moved and have not re-registered or updated their voter registration records (according to the latest available information), and others who are unregistered in the voting eligible population.

Glynn said tese mailings are designed to be partisan statistically by whom is being targeted. “Young people, people of color, and unmarried women” are statistically more likely to be Democrats. 

“There can easily be some sort of bias when not all voters are treated the same by nonprofits,” Glynn said. “These nonprofits are ‘legally’ nonpartisan, but not in practice.”

Comparison to 2022 CVI/VPC Early Voter Registration Mailings

The mailing of 29,108 pieces is far less than the 161,325 voter registration pieces sent in 2022 to Kansans, but VPC’s letter indicates this mailing is the first of three planned voter registration mailings this year. 

Details of CVI/VPC mailings to Kansas in 2022.

Also in 2022, there were 215,851 requests for mail ballots and nearly 1.2 million get-out-the-vote mailings.

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Sample Mailing

The letter from VPC to the Caskey and Barker gave several examples of the mailings they planned, and asked for feedback:  “We would be glad to address any questions or concerns you or local election officials may have.” 

“But given the State of Kansas and VPC/CVI are in a duel in the 10th US Circuit Court of Appeals over pre-populated forms being sent by VPC/CVI, there probably is not much communication initiated by the Secretary of State’s office,” Glynn said.

That lawsuit by the non-profits against the State of Kansas seeks to overturn the state’s prohibition against mailing already partially completed mail ballot requests to Kansas voters. Those mailings in the 2020 election added to the already pandemic induced election confusion, in the state’s words:

Leading up to the 2020 general election, state and county election officials were inundated with calls from confused voters who submitted an advance by mail ballot application but continued to receive unsolicited advance ballot applications from third parties. This created a substantial workload increase for local election offices who had to process thousands of duplicate forms at a time when county election officials were preparing for a high turnout, statewide election, in the middle of a pandemic.

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Here’s one of the examples VPC provided for review by Kansas state election officials:

Sample of pre-populated VPC voter registration form sent to Kansas election officials for review – Earl Glynn

“My understanding is the post office doesn’t bother returning undeliverable mailings, but does provide VPC/CVI with a list of the status of all mailings for follow-up,” Glynn said.

VPC pre-pays the postage for the return of the voter registration form to the election office. 

But attached within the mailing is a hook Glynn says is particularly targeted at younger, Democrat-leaning voters.The accompanying letter provides a QR code to use “Rock the Votes’” national online voter registration service, similar to BluePrint Kansas’ KSVotes.org — the progressive “nonprofit in the middle” in Kansas. Such online voter registration mechanics forward information to the registrants local election office – but they also capture that individual’s data and make it a part of oceans of collected voter information used later for campaign mailings, robo calls and other marketing methods.

“The bottom of most VPC/CVI mailings includes a union printer code, so you will know it’s from a progressive organization,” Glynn said.

Glynn said more information onthe VPC/CVI mailings should be available in the next few months.


How Charities Secretly Help Win Elections, Parker Thayer, Capital Research Center, Aug. 15, 2023. 

Using sophisticated voter databases and Democrat-aligned microtargeting firms,  charities like the Voter Participation Center have targeted “nonpartisan” voter registration drives toward demographics and localities where people vote strongly for Democrats. As liberal reporter Sasha Issenberg wrote of the Voter Participation Center in his widely praised 2012 book, Victory Lab: The Secret Science of Winning Campaigns, “Even though the group was officially nonpartisan, for tax purposes, there was no secret that the goal of all its efforts was to generate new votes for Democrats.”

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The Voter Participation Center: A Tax-Exempt Turnout Machine for Democrats, Parker Thayer and Hayden Ludwig, Capital Research Center, July 13, 2022.

Every election cycle it’s the same story. Massive liberal foundations pour tens of millions of dollars into tax-exempt groups to turn out the Democratic vote. They call it “philanthropy, but no one really believes that. It’s certainly not for funding soup kitchens and libraries. As a secret memo reveals, not even leftists buy the “philanthropy” disguise.

Check online for revisions and updates.

Dane Hicks is a graduate of the University of Missouri School of Journalism and the United States Marine Corps Officer Candidate School at Quantico, VA. He is the author of novels "The Skinning Tree" and "A Whisper For Help." As publisher of the Anderson County Review in Garnett, KS., he is a recipient of the Kansas Press Association's Boyd Community Service Award as well as more than 60 awards for excellence in news, editorial and photography.