Sharice Davids dodges comment on reported illegal immigrant assault on hiking trail in her district

SCIPIO – The Kansas Congresswoman with the closest connections to Biden/Harris Administration policies a the U.S. southern border isn’t commenting on an alleged assault of an Ottawa woman by an illegal immigrant in the rural area of her district.

Local authorities said the suspect, Porfirio De La Cruz – Cantu, age 33, is subject to a hold order by the U.S. Immigration and Customers Enforcement agency and being held in the Anderson County Jail after being charged this week with the assault and battery of a 64 year-old Ottawa woman, after he allegedly attacked her several miles north of Garnett while she bicycled on the Prairie Spirit Trail.

Porfirio De La Cruz/Anderson County Sheriff’s Department photo

The Anderson County Sheriff’s office said the non-English speaking male was located a short time after the assault on U.S. Highway 59 and taken into custody. The attack occurred south of the hiking and bicycling trail’s intersection with 2350 Road the morning of October 10.

Officers say the female bicyclist was able to fight off De La Cruz and escaped to the home of a neighbor in the area who rendered aid and called 911. De La Cruz was apprehended not far from that location.

A sheriff’s office report said the woman suffered lacerations and bruises but that her injuries were not life threatening. De La Cruz is reportedly employed at a local restaurant in Garnett. He was being held in the Anderson County Jail this week on charges of mistreatment of an elderly person, confinement and criminal restraint and battery, a level 5 Person Felony. He was assigned indigent counsel at the state’s expense this week and set for first appearance in court Tuesday, Oct. 22.

The Prairie Spirit Trail intersection with 2350 Road, near where officers say the assault on the bicyclist occurred. /Kansas Informer

A probable cause affidavit in the case was requested by the Informer but as of this post had not been provided by the court. Anderson County Attorney Elizabeth Oliver said a special prosecutor had been retained in the matter. Illegal immigrants suspected of crimes often have charges dropped at the request of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) who pursue deportation more expediently than local courts can adjudicate the criminal charges.

The allegations against De La Cruz put a local focus on a national firestorm surrounding Biden/Harris Administration handling of the U.S. southern border and an undisputed flood of millions of illegal immigrants who’ve crossed the border since Biden took office in 2021.

Illegal immigrants mass at the southern border ready for entry in 2022, driven by the Biden Administration’s refusal to enforce border security. /Fox News photo

Congresswoman Davids, who represents the Kansas 3rd District where the incident occurred, did not respond to the Informer’s request for comment. Davids has been a supporter of Biden Administration border policy and in September voted against a bill that would stop federal dollars benefiting so-called “sancturary cities” where local officials declare their refusal to assist ICE intervention efforts.

In May, Davids voted to continue counting illegal immigrants in the U.S. Census, a move that affects hundreds of millions of dollars in federal spending and alters the apportionment of congressional seats as well as the U.S. Electoral College.

Dane Hicks is a graduate of the University of Missouri School of Journalism and the United States Marine Corps Officer Candidate School at Quantico, VA. He is the author of novels "The Skinning Tree" and "A Whisper For Help." As publisher of the Anderson County Review in Garnett, KS., he is a recipient of the Kansas Press Association's Boyd Community Service Award as well as more than 60 awards for excellence in news, editorial and photography.

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