Sharice Davids shows Mayorkas love on Valentine’s eve House impeachment vote

WASHINGTON, D.C – In an unsurprising partnering with other Progressive Biden border policy supporting Democrats, Sharice Davids last week cast the only vote from the Kansas congressional contingent in support of Alejandro Mayorkas, the embattled Secretary of U.S. Homeland Security who was impeached by Congress by a single vote margin.

Kansas Third District Congresswoman, however, isn’t talking about her vote.

Kansas 3rd District Congresswoman Sharice Davids

Mayorkas has been the focus of criticism of border policy critics for several years as millions of Illegal immigrants poured across the southern border, which became more porous with President Biden’s ending of the Remain in Mexico policy on the first day of his presidency. 

Although it’s unclear if Mayorkas had the authority to reverse his boss’s policy to make the border more instead of less secure, Republicans in the House focused their attention on him as illegal immigration becomes a top issue against Democrats across the spectrum of the 2024 election.

With the Democrats in control of the U.S. Senate there will likely be no pursuit of proceedings past the House action. But the move is seen as an inflection point forced by Republicans to fully assign the border issue to Biden and Democrats, and maximize the political liability the border has become for Democrats in the 2024 election.

U.S. Customs And Border Patrol Department photo

Charges in the impeachment articles forwarded against Mayorkas alleged willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law and breach of the public trust, saying Mayorkas knowingly made false statements to Congress during hearings regarding the security of the border, that he maintained the border was in fact “closed” despite U.S. Border Patrol’s own statistics, and that it was “no less secure” than it was previously. 

U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas

The Articles noted numerous statistics on skyrocketing border crossings since Biden took office, and included drug seizure records for dangerous narcotics including Fentanyl.They alleged under Mayorkas’ watch, the U.S. Immigration Court backlog had more than doubled from about 1.3 million cases to over 3 million, destroying the court’s ability to administer Justice and provide appropriate relief in a time frame that does not run into years or decades.

 Davids, the sole Democrat representing Kansas in the House, whose Third District includes Anderson, Franklin, Miami, Johnson and part of Wyandotte counties, voted with the 213 caucus minority which sought to save Mayorkas from impeachment. The vote in favor was 214, and included 4th District representative Ron Estes as well as congressman Tracy Mann and Jake Turner from the 1st and 2nd districts, all Republicans. All ‘yea’ votes on the measure were Republican, with GOP members Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin, Ken Buck of Colorado and and Tom McClintock of California defecting to protect Mayorkas along with Democrats. Two Florida Republicans, Brian Mast and Maria Salazar did not vote in the roll call.

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 Davids’ office did not respond to the Informer’s email questions on the vote. Delanie Bomar, communications director with the National Republican Congressional Committee, said Davids’ move was designed to let Mayorkas off the hook for the disaster he and Biden have caused every community in the country.

“Since Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas took office, there have been over 8.3 million illegal crossings nationwide,” Bomar said. “Mayorkas’s open borders policies have turned every community into a border community, and Davids is completely fine with that.”

“Davids is not serious about securing our border,” Bomar said.

Dane Hicks is a graduate of the University of Missouri School of Journalism and the United States Marine Corps Officer Candidate School at Quantico, VA. He is the author of novels "The Skinning Tree" and "A Whisper For Help." As publisher of the Anderson County Review in Garnett, KS., he is a recipient of the Kansas Press Association's Boyd Community Service Award as well as more than 60 awards for excellence in news, editorial and photography.

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George Pisani

🤔 Am I alone in seeing the irony of Rep. Davids’s “Heroes” shirt and her failure to support STRONG border security?

Just sayin’…. 😁