The outright lie of Laura Kelly’s “Middle Of The Road” PAC

Kansas Governor Laura Kelly’s “Middle Of The Road” Political Action Committee received no funding from ‘moderate’ donors and directs its financial support only to Leftist, Progressive candidates aiming to unseat conservatives and complicit Democrats and weaken their influence, primarily in the Kansas Legislature. In the modern age of misinformation and disinformation, Kelly’s PAC is a prime definition.

A recent review of legally required financial reports submitted by Kelly’s PAC reveals just who donated funds to it after the governor announced the effort a year ago, and who has been the beneficiary of its pass-through progressive supporting cash.

Kelly claims the mission of this PAC is “to elect moderate, middle-of-the-road leaders who are laser-focused on supporting policies to improve the lives of all Kansans.”

But Gov. Kelly’s progressive views aren’t shared by many outside the liberal bastions of the state’s college towns and urban centers, and if Republican control of the Legislature is any measure, certainly not by a majority of Kansans.

Kelly’s progressive policies are left, far-left, or progressive by most all definitions. She was narrowly re-elected in 2022 only with the independent expenditures of nearly $20 million in dark money through a nonprofit, which is not well-known.

Gov. Kelly fully understands the words “Middle of the Road” are a stretch for her views, yet she uses the term regardless of the misinformation it conceals. In fact Kelly is intolerant of those who challenge her views. The expenditures section below reveals how Kelly, in the primary election campaign, recently “took out” two of her fellow Democrats who challenged her policies.

Technically, Gov. Kelly does not “own” this PAC.  Her name does not appear on official PAC documents. But Gov. Kelly has direct or indirect connections to those spending the PAC money, which will be shown below.

Recent PAC Report

Kansas PACs were required to file “Receipts and Expenditures” reports on July 29, prior to the Aug. primary election. An earlier Watchdog article rank ordered 171 Kansas PACs on money raised, spent and in the bank. The Middle of the Road PAC was #1 in money raised statewide ($287,825) and #1 in money in the bank ($935,162). Its third place rank in money spent ($243,271) before the primary still resulted in an overall #1 ranking for this PAC statewide. The list of those who contributed to MOTR as well as its expenditures reveals the political flavor of the organization.

Major “Middle of the Road” Donors

This PAC’s Statement of Organization shows former three-term Kansas State Rep Sheryl Spalding is the PAC chair and treasurer.  Ballotpedia reveals Spalding was the former president of the Blue Valley Board of Education in Johnson County. Ballotpedia says Spalding refused in 2008 to take the Project Vote Smart’s “Political Courage Test,” which asked candidates: “Are you willing to tell citizens your positions on the issues you will most likely face on their behalf”?

Spalding’s name appears on all official reports, but Gov. Kelly’s name or “Team Kelly” has appeared on perhaps a dozen email solicitations for the PAC. The diagram below shows the major PAC donors reported in the Jan. or July PAC reports.

All large donors to “Middle of the Road” PAC are from progressive causes or a progressive individual. The name of the PAC is intended to confuse voters about its intent.

From July 2024 report:

The largest donor in the July 2024 report was from Jobs and Opportunity. In May the Democratic Governors Association sent this group $275,000 and two months later $100,000 was sent to “Middle of the Road” PAC. 

From the Jan. 2024 report:

Recipients of Major Expenditures

The diagram below is a bit complicated about expenditures by this PAC in its two reports this year.

Recipients of major “Middle of the Road” expenditures are progressive individuals or organizations. The name of the PAC is intended to confuse voters about its intent.

Non-Consulting Expenditures

The green arrows in the diagram above show money spent by the PAC. Note the non-consulting expenditures at the left above — all have connections to the Democratic Party. Is that “middle of the road”?

  • Kansas Democratic Party. $5000 donation and contribution to Washington Days Sponsorship. 
  • ActBlue. $3046 for fundraising expenses.  From WikipediaActBlue Charities Inc. is an American political action committee and fundraising platform established for serving left-leaning and Democratic nonprofits and politicians.
  • NGP VAN is the leading technology provider to Democratic and progressive political campaigns and organizations, nonprofits, municipalities, and other groups. $3475.
  • Waterfront Strategies received $32,801 to oppose Vic Miller in his bid for State Senate District 18 Democratic primary against Patrick Schmidt. (Apparently, Gov. Kelly was not tolerant of some independent views by Miller in the tax negotiations on the floor during the final session).

The PAC’s extra $32,802 expenditure played a part in Miller’s defeat on Aug. 6.

Consulting Expenditures

Two consultants providing “organizing services” received the “big bucks” from this PAC in monthly payments. It’s unclear what specifically “organizing services” are.

  • Will Lawrence, identified by LinkedIn as Gov. Kelly’s Chief of Staff, received $75,000 according to the most recent report, which when added to the $30,000 reported in January amounts to a total of $105,000. Gov. Kelly is Lawrence’s direct boss and should be quite familiar with all aspect of the PAC from that alone.

  • Lauren Fitzgerald received $57,000 in according to the most recent report, which when combined with previous earnings now total $82,700. Fitzgerald is the managing director of Kansas Coalition for Common sense according to her LinkedIn page and held the post of the Communications Director for Gov. Kelly in 2022.

It’s unclear why both consultants received three payments of equal amounts on Jan. 5, 2024.  Will Lawrence received three $7500 payments that day that totaled $22,500, while Lauren Fitzgerald received three $6000 payments that day that totaled $18,000. It’s also unclear why the address for Lawrence and Fitzgerald (and a few others) is the same as the address of the PAC: PO Box 4504, Overland Park.

Kansas Coalition for Common Sense

A year ago I posted an item on X about a coincidence in the first few followers of the Middle of The Road PAC being from the Kansas Coalition for Common Sense.

But it was no coincidence. These three directors (All, Fitzgerald and Zeigler) of Kansas Coalition for Comment Sense had a plan for how they would be working with the “Middle of the Road” PAC to promote progressive causes in Kansas in 2024.

View on X

Ashley All, the president of the Kansas Coalition for Common Sense, also has past connections to Gov. Kelly. All also served as Kelly’s communications director.

The nonprofit articles of incorporation shown above indicates Jordanna Zeigler is a director of the KCFCS nonprofit, but is also the current political director for the Democratic Governors Association, now chaired by Gov. Kelly. 

Zeigler’s work has impacted Kansas for a number of years:

Jordanna “Jordy” Zeigler, Political Director: Jordy Zeigler was previously the DGA’s Senior Campaigns Advisor serving as the organization’s lead political and strategic contact for winning campaigns in 2022, including in Kansas, Arizona, Oregon, New Mexico, Minnesota, Illinois, Colorado, and Hawaii. Prior to joining the DGA, Jordy managed Governor Laura Kelly’s historic 2018 win in Kansas and Theresa Greenfield’s record-breaking campaign for U.S. Senate in Iowa in 2020. Jordy has worked on campaigns of all levels all over the country for over fifteen years, including at EMILY’s List and the DCCC. 

Much more information to come….

Most of the money surrounding this 501(c)(4) nonprofit will be “hidden” likely until late 2025 or possibly 2026 because of lax reporting requirements for IRS 990s. 

For example, the IRS990 for the huge spending by the Kansas Values Institute nonprofit in 2022 was filed with the IRS in late 2023, but was only available early this year. But only about a fourth of the KVI donors have ever been discovered. [Only transfers from one non-profit to another can be discovered.]

The Kansas Coalition for Common Sense is the next chapter in the evolution of “Dark Money and Nonprofits in Kansas Politics.” 

The electoral playing field is tilted and public views have been distorted by huge progressive spending in Kansas. See this hour long video for a background of what’s been happening in Kansas for much of the last decadebecause of dark money and nonprofits.


Political Money Rankings of Kansas PACs, July 2024.  Kansas PACs spent about $2.6 million so far this year. Watchdog Lab, Aug 5, 2024.

Kansas Democratic Party has 105,000 more females than males.  Kansas Republican Party has 17,000 more males than females. Watchdog Lab, July 17, 2024.

Nonprofit Kansas Values Institute spent $23 million to help Gov. Laura Kelly and other candidates in 2022.  KVI raised and spent more in 2022 than in the previous 11 years combined.  Watchdog Lab, March 12, 2024.

Report shows “Middle of the Road PAC” is on the left side of the road.  Two-thirds of donations in recent PAC report are from out-of-state. Illinois Governor is the largest donor to Gov. Kelly’s PAC. Jan 18, 2024.

Gov. Laura Kelly Prefers Darkness in Open Records about 277,000 Voter Registration Forms in 2020.  Redactions in open records hide information from the public. Sept. 12, 2022.

Earl Glynn – Watchdog Lab

Earl F. Glynn is a mostly-retired data scientist, scientific programmer, software engineer and physical scientist living in the Kansas City metro area, and the publisher of the substack Watchdog Lab.