Dump Sharice, get Reddy

Voters in Kansas’ 3rd Congressional District who love high grocery and gasoline prices, the prospect of boys competing in their daughter’s sports leagues, showering up in their locker rooms, and all the benefits brought to the country so far by the Biden/Harris Administration’s open border policy should be excited to support Sharice Davids for another term in the U.S. Congress this November.

Because rest assured, a vote for Sharice Davids will be a vote for more of the same disaster we’ve endured the past three and-a-half years.

 If however the current state of the nation’s affairs is off-putting to you; if a future full of $3-plus per gallon gasoline, out-of-reach home mortgage interest rates, $12 cheeseburgers and Venezuelan gang crime in your neighborhood is not particularly your vision for America, you might want to vote for Dr. Prasanth Reddy, the Republican running in the Third District.

Third District Kansas Congresswoman Sharice Davids sports a t-shirt with the slogan “All my heroes killed colonizers.”

While Davids secured her position as the intersectional darling of the Democrat candidate crop – a gay, female, Native American with a near-perfect record in support of the disastrous policies of the Biden/Harris years, Reddy is perhaps no more true a great American story than Third District politics has ever seen. He immigrated to the U.S. from Chennai, India, as a child with his parents, eventually attending Kansas State University to earn a bachelor’s in microbiology and psychology from Kansas State University. He pursued a medical degree from the University of Kansas Medical Center to become a talented cancer doctor and researcher. When the United States was attacked on 9/11, Reddy volunteered for the U.S. Air Force Reserve to serve his country in the war on terror.

Davids requests water project funding for cities in 3rd District, then votes AGAINST the bill to approve it

While Reddy has been curing the sick and defending his country, Davids remained true to her Democrat National Committee-instructed progressive priorities,  voting against a military pay raise (HB 8070), supporting international criminal court arrest warrants against Israel for defending itself against Hamas butchers (HR 8282) and doing her best to keep illegal aliens counted in Blue State census figures to bolster those all-important federal  cash giveaways (HR 7109). She voted against a measure to require proof of citizenship for voter registration (HR 8281). Davids even voted against water plant project appropriations funding she requested for cities in her own district –  Garnett, Olathe, DeSoto – because Republicans wanted a reduction to the EPA’s anti-energy regulatory budget. 

Reddy joined the U.S. Air Force Reserve after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Voters in the Third District need to understand the positions at conflict in November’s election. Davids represents the progressive efforts whose impacts we’ve already seen in the country; the restriction of energy production; the push toward unproven and undependable green energy options; The massive burdening of American taxpayers by colossal Federal spending; the effort to reconstitute the Democrat Party itself by opening the country’s southern border to massive illegal immigration; the watering down of law enforcement and judicial systems to placate minority populations; and to generally downgrade the United States’ position as a power broker on the world stage. 

Americans like Prasanth Reddy have observed the disasters along this path so far in 3 years of the Biden/Harris Administration, and they’re saying enough is enough. The path pursued by Sharice Davids and the radical progressives who’ve taken over the Democrat party offers a future for the country and for our children which is no better than the environment of the last 3 years, and indeed if it is pursued, America’s future is bleak. 

In particular voters in the Third District should pay attention to the actual voting record Sharice Davids has executed and the policy direction her voting record is designed to pursue. There is little doubt, even in the liberal confines of Wyandotte and Johnson counties where this election will be decided, that the policies Davids and the Democrats want to pursue is in keeping with the values of those voters. 

America  is ready to move back to competence and common sense in government, and Kansas’ Third District is ready for Reddy. 

Dane Hicks is a graduate of the University of Missouri School of Journalism and the United States Marine Corps Officer Candidate School at Quantico, VA. He is the author of novels "The Skinning Tree" and "A Whisper For Help." As publisher of the Anderson County Review in Garnett, KS., he is a recipient of the Kansas Press Association's Boyd Community Service Award as well as more than 60 awards for excellence in news, editorial and photography.

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