Taylor Swift doesn’t worry too much that gasoline was a $1.87 a gallon when Donald Trump was in office and now it’s over $3.
Taylor Swift doesn’t sweat the fact that heating oil, if your house has a furnace that runs on it, has skyrocketed 70% in price since the Trump years. The eight homes she owns are probably well heated in the winter, and she doesn’t have to worry about the thermostat eating away at her grocery budget or her kids’ school activity fees.

In fact let’s face it – there aren’t really very many things that T-Swizzle has in common with us. Most of us are even better at relationships than she is, if her whiny, self-absorbed songwriting is any indication. And what’s with that Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence lipstick, anyway?
Still it’s not hard to figure out why the media went on a three-day bender about Taylor Swift endorsing Kamala Harris for president – up until of course that Saturday UGov poll showed while 8 percent of voters might now favor Harris due to The Swiz’s thumbs up, some 20 percent said it made them less likely to vote for Harris.
Oops. Her bad. I wonder if those bail-outs were Teamsters?
But how can a red-blooded American columnist not point out that neither Swift nor Harris have to worry about the things the majority of voters in the country have to be concerned about. Most of the rest of us are, after all, pretty far removed from the ultra elitist bubble that insulates them from the discomfort with which the mean old world assaults the rest of us day-to-day. Some folks in the media are disappointed that Tay-Tay’s legions of fans wouldn’t jump off a cliff if she told them to; which incidentally would be about the same fate they’ll endure if Harris is elected and her socialist dreams become American reality.

If Harris becomes president and implements any more of her Joe Biden-autographed debilitating socialism, most of those 13 to 24 year olds listening to Taylor Swift music will never own a home of their own, unlike the eight multi-million dollar abodes Swift has to clean and dust weekly (not) – four in ritzy New York, two in posh L.A. and one each in snooty Rhode Island and down-home Tennessee. They might not even be able to buy a car, much less insure it. Taylor of course doesn’t have to worry about traffic to and from whatever mansion she’s crashing at for the night, because her private jet skips right over all us unwashed nobodies on the county roads below.
So at the root of it all, why did Swift give Harris/Walz her seal of approval? Why, it was the noble Tay-Tay’s embrace of queers and abortion, of course.
She was “so heartened and impressed” by Harris’ decision to pick Tim Walz as a running mate, she told us. Walz “has been standing up for LGBTQ+ rights, IVF, and a woman’s right to her own body for decades,” Swift swooned. Apparently T-Swish isn’t so enchanted with the opinions of female athletes who dedicated their lives to their sports only to have their scholarships stolen and their noses broken when they have to compete against men who tell themseles – and the NCAA – they really “Feel Like A Woman.”
Shania Twain, a real woman, sings “Man, I Feel Like A Woman”

But when it comes to defining just how far Swifty’s vaunted nobility is from the mainstream of America and her fan base, no one summed it up better than rogue media siren Megyn Kelly on Tucker Carlson’s podcast:
“Do you know what Tim Walz has done on the LGBTQ front?,” Kelly fumed. “Let me tell you what’s going to happen. Here’s what’s going to happen. A little girl sitting in Wisconsin who’s maybe on the spectrum, maybe has acne, maybe is a little heavyset, maybe feels upset because the parents are getting divorced, something like that, is going to find herself down a rabbit hole on Reddit. Her parents aren’t going to know because they’re getting a divorce and they’re not focused on her right now. She’s going to spend hour after hour on that thing, and Reddit’s going to tell her she’s actually a boy. She’s going to get sucked into this gender cult, and she’s going to say, ‘Mom and dad, I want puberty blockers into cross-sex hormones,’ which will sterilize her and deprive her of all sexual pleasure for the rest of her life. They’re going to say, ‘No, you’re a girl.’ She’s going to say, ‘But I want top surgery, this benign thing, this double mastectomy where I’ll have tubes coming out of me and I’ll never breastfeed a child. I want that, too, because I’m a boy.’ They’re going to say, ‘No.’ She’s going to go to a judge in Minnesota, and because of Tim Walz, the court will take custody of her, use the Medicaid funds in Minnesota to provide her all of those things, chop off her breasts, sterilize her with the puberty blockers and the cross-sex hormones.”

“When this girl inevitably comes to the conclusion that she didn’t want any of this, that it only added to her problems, which were the divorce and the acne and the puberty and not any trans issue, who is she going to go to then? This is all because of Tim Walz. That’s what Minnesota is doing right now to little girls and boys, taking custody away from the parents so that they can have these procedures without any loving parent there to help. That’s what Taylor Swift just endorsed for your children.”
“So screw you, Taylor Swift.”
Yeah. What she said.
Dane Hicks is a graduate of the University of Missouri School of Journalism and the United States Marine Corps Officer Candidate School at Quantico, VA. He is the author of novels "The Skinning Tree" and "A Whisper For Help." As publisher of the Anderson County Review in Garnett, KS., he is a recipient of the Kansas Press Association's Boyd Community Service Award as well as more than 60 awards for excellence in news, editorial and photography.