In the sane world of just a few years ago where we still respected and honored women in our culture, Kansas didn’t need a “Women’s Bill of Rights.”
In that world, the idea of a man feeling entitled to elbow his way into a woman’s locker room or bathroom or onto a women’s athletic team would have been meant with vociferous and muscular objection not just by the husbands, boyfriends and brothers of the women whose privacy and human sanctity had been violated, but also by the police and the legal system. Any politician who advocated that women should be thus victimized would surely have been impeached and at the very least thrown out of office at the next possible elective opportunity.

But in the modern world where the mental illness of gender dysphoria is embraced as a accepted lifestyle and knighted with legal superiority and entitled preference by a previously legitimate and bona fide political party, and where women have been relegated to second class citizen status behind the mentally ill, some directed action is necessary and just to re-establish the human rights of women.
And that necessity – the idea that in the year 2023 it’s incumbent on the population to go so far as to reassert the rights of women not to be victimized by men or that any such basic rights of decency should have to be codified in law – is an abject embarrassment.
The sense of it all is so ludicrous and the need to oppose it so righteous that dark humor is unavoidable. The Daily Wire news service’s Jeremy Boreing recently introduced the company’s own brand of chocolate bars in response to chocolate maker Hershey’s Canadian division’s inclusion of a dysphoric man as one of five notable “women” featured on the wrappers of special-edition chocolate bars celebrating International Women’s Day. Boreing’s offerings grabbed pronoun mania with label names “He/Him” and “She/Her.”
“One’s got nuts, one doesn’t,” Boreing says in the launch commercial aimed at conservative news fans. “If you need me to tell you which one, keep giving your money to Hershey’s.”

Such details of basic biology used to matter, and they still do according to reputable science that rests on defined facts and not the septic altar of woke ideology. The Kansas legislation uses simple accepted science to define men and women and defines the government’s responsibility to protect women against the invasion of men into women’s prisons, domestic violence shelters, rape crisis centers and other places defined for the protection of women.
Of course liberals dominating the morally unmoored Kansas media can’t see the point in protecting women. The Wichita Eagle’s Los Angeles-born editorial page sultan accuses legislators (read “Republicans”) as pursuing hate crimes against the mentally ill
“The majority of lawmakers of this state absolutely hate transgender people and everything to do with them,” the Wichita Eagle declares. The glaring irony of course is the obvious hatred of women which the Eagle barely shrouds in refusing to support even their most basic rights to privacy and identity. Apparently going bankrupt and being taken over by a California-based hedge fund didn’t exactly do wonders for the Eagle’s embrace of feminism, much less its embrace of Kansas common sense.

But the culture war and the upending of women’s rights that’s been demanded by such Leftist provocateurs and their movement’s denial of the need to treat mental illness is now being countered by an outbreak of national gumption.
“Red” states across the nation are either considering or have already approved similar legislation to guarantee protections against this attempt to incultureate sexual apartheid against women. Boreing’s chocolate bars sold half a million units in the first week of their launch. Riley Gaines, the former University of Kentucky swimmer bumped from a national championship by a male-claiming-female competitor from the University of Pennsylvania, is in high demand by conservative student groups for campus speaking engagements.
Women are fed up and more are saying it out loud. A tide of righteous sensibility is rising. Maybe believing in women’s rights isn’t nuts after all.
Dane Hicks is a graduate of the University of Missouri School of Journalism and the United States Marine Corps Officer Candidate School at Quantico, VA. He is the author of novels "The Skinning Tree" and "A Whisper For Help." As publisher of the Anderson County Review in Garnett, KS., he is a recipient of the Kansas Press Association's Boyd Community Service Award as well as more than 60 awards for excellence in news, editorial and photography.